What You Need To Know
Discover your rights and protections regarding wages, overtime, and employee classification. If you've faced unpaid overtime or workplace violations, contact Josephson Dunlap for expert representation and guidance.
Unravel the complexities of labor regulations and ensure fair treatment in your workplace.
Georgia Minimum Wage Laws
The minimum wage in Georgia is $5.15/hour, but this does not apply to employers under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA requires employers to pay tipped employees at least $2.13/hour.
Meal & Rest Breaks
In Georgia, there are no laws requiring meal breaks, and neither federal nor state laws mandate rest breaks.
2 Years
Filing Claims
Georgia’s Statute of Limitations for overtime claims aligns with the Fair Labor Standards Act, requiring lawsuits for unpaid back overtime wages to be filed within two years of the employer’s violation. This means that a lawsuit filed today can only seek back overtime pay for the previous 2 (or sometimes 3) years.
Georgia Overtime Pay Laws
Georgia lacks state-specific laws on overtime pay, deferring to the federal FLSA, which mandates overtime pay for covered, nonexempt employees. Overtime is calculated at one-and-a-half times the regular rate for hours exceeding 40 in a workweek.
of Independent Contractors
Employers must correctly classify workers as employees or independent contractors. Mislabeling workers to avoid paying overtime is unlawful.