What You Need To Know
Discover your rights and protections regarding wages, overtime, and employee classification. If you've faced unpaid overtime or workplace violations, contact Josephson Dunlap for expert representation and guidance.
Unravel the complexities of labor regulations and ensure fair treatment in your workplace.
Colorado Minimum Wage Laws
In Colorado, the 2024 minimum wage is $14.42/hour, adjusting annually for inflation. Municipal rates vary: Denver is $18.29/hour, Edgewater is $15.02/hour, and Boulder County is $15.69/hour.
30 Minutes
Per 5 Hours
Certain industries like retail, food and beverage, commercial support services, or health and medical must give employees a 30-minute duty-free meal break after 5 consecutive hours of work. The break is unpaid unless the employee needs to eat while “on-duty”, in which case they must be compensated.
2 Years
Filing Claims
Colorado’s Statute of Limitations for overtime claims aligns with the Fair Labor Standards Act, requiring lawsuits for unpaid back overtime wages to be filed within two years of the employer’s violation. This means that a lawsuit filed today can only seek back overtime pay for the previous 2 (or sometimes 3) years.
Colorado Overtime Laws
Employers with 4 or more employees must pay non-exempt employees 1.5 times their regular rate for hours worked over 40 in a week, 12 in a day, or 12 consecutive hours. Colorado’s rules are more favorable than federal law for overtime pay.
Termination Laws
Employment-at-will State
In Colorado, employment is at-will, allowing employers to terminate employees at any time and for any reason, provided it is not discriminatory or retaliatory against lawful actions by the employee.