What You Need To Know
Discover your rights and protections regarding wages, overtime, and employee classification. If you've faced unpaid overtime or workplace violations, contact Josephson Dunlap for expert representation and guidance.
Unravel the complexities of labor regulations and ensure fair treatment in your workplace.
Louisiana Minimum Wage Laws
Louisiana adheres to the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour without any state-specific minimum wage regulations. Likewise, there are no state laws concerning tipped wages, mirroring the federal minimum of $2.13/hourfor tipped employees.
Meal & Rest Breaks
Louisiana does not have any laws requiring employers to provide meal breaks or rest breaks to employees aged eighteen or older. Therefore, any breaks or rest periods are provided at the discretion of the employer. However, for employees under the age of 18, Louisiana mandates a 30-minute meal break for shifts lasting five hours or more, and a second 30-minute meal break for ten-hour shifts⁴.
3 Years
Filing Claims
The statute of limitations for wage and hour claims in Louisiana varies depending on the nature of the claim. Minimum wage violations, unpaid overtime, illegal deductions, or unpaid reimbursements: You must file claims within three years. Oral promises to pay more than minimum wage: The deadline is two years. Claims based on a written contract: The statute of limitations is four years.
Louisiana Overtime Pay Laws
The FLSA requires employers to pay non-exempt employees’ overtime at one and a half times the regular rate for hours over 40 per week. If non-exempt employees work all seven days in a week, their employer must pay overtime for hours on the 7th day at the same rate.
Termination laws
Employment-at-will State
In Louisiana, Employers are allowed to terminate employees at any time and for any reason, as long as the termination is not discriminatory or retaliatory against the employee for exercising their legal rights.