Unpaid Training Time: When Should You Be Paid for Learning?

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Understanding Unpaid Training Time

Unpaid training time is a common issue for many employees worldwide. Starting a new job and learning new skills can be exciting but challenging. One major challenge is the expectation to spend time learning about your job without pay. Unfortunately, many employees remain unaware of their rights regarding unpaid training time and often go with the flow.

First, understand that training time isn’t always unpaid. If the training primarily benefits your employer, it should be considered work, and you should receive payment. On the other hand, if the training is entirely voluntary and unrelated to your job, it’s acceptable for your employer not to pay you. Before starting any training, make sure to clarify whether you should be paid for your time.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that requires employers to pay employees for all time worked, including training. It defines training time as time spent off the job in activities directly related to the job. If you attend training that meets these criteria, your employer must pay you at least the minimum wage. The FLSA also mandates payment for any mandatory training.

On-the-Job Training

On-the-job training occurs while performing your job duties. This type of training generally counts as work, and you should be paid for it. If you aren’t receiving payment for your training time, you may need to take further action.

Job-Related Training

Job-related training directly relates to your job, such as learning to use new software or equipment. Even if the training isn’t mandatory, if it is job-related, you should be paid. If your employer isn’t paying you for job-related training, seek assistance.

If you believe you’re not being paid for training time, you can take the following steps:

  1. Contact Josephson Dunlap: Reach out to our experienced team for a consultation. We can help you understand your rights and determine if you should have been paid for your training time.
  2. Seek Legal Assistance: If necessary, we can assist you with filing a complaint with the Department of Labor to ensure you receive the wages you’re owed.

Nationwide Unpaid Training Time Attorneys

If you believe you are entitled to payment for training time and your employer refuses to compensate you, Josephson Dunlap can help. Our experienced team can assist you with filing a claim to start the process of recovering your wages. Contact us today at (888) 742-7242 to learn more.